A Beekeeper That Hates Honey??

Do You Like Honey Danny?

Raw local honey is rumoured to be great at fighting allergies and one of the biggest benefits is that is unprocessed and pure. The honey you find in the shops is normally filtered and often bulked out with sugars and syrups. The purer the honey the better the health benefits

I like the benefits that honey has to offer and I like the happiness it brings people when they look at the jars of the golden nectar but for me I hate the smell and the taste. In fact when it comes to extracting honey from our colonies I leave it totally up to my wife jane as the smell is too much for me.

Don’t get me wrong I can deal with it and it is not as bad as some of the smells that as a new parent i have had to deal with but if I had a choice to not smell honey I would happily pass.


This is a question I get asked all the time and to be honest I have asked it myself a few times and it always seems to come back down to one thing. I enjoy the company of bees. Now that actually sounds bonkers and I agree it does but I really just enjoy pottering about with the colonies and watching them little ladies busy doing what they do and seeing the colonies grow.

Bees are important to the world and if me keeping a few colonies can help the world be a better place then that is fine with me.

The other good thing about not liking honey is that I don’t touch the product and so we can sell every drop of honey to you guys and re invest the money in equipment.



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